Campanya |
LIdO DM DalT LIdE HaT LOW Llibertat RdN ECdF FdUN EMdT EDdW LDdS HdDG Sesa |
Era |
LdH Pd |
Idioma |
C af ar bg ca ca cs da de el en@shaw en eo es et eu fi fr fur gl he hr hu id is it ja ko la lt lv mk mr nb nl pl pt pt racv ro ru sk sl sr sr sr sr sv tl tr vi zh zh |
The Goblin 'Knights' have little in common with the men who share that title, and the title is bestowed in mockery by their enemies. The similarity is simply that they are the elite of the wolf riders, likely promoted to their position by their success in some audacious raid.
The wolves they are given are bred for speed and strength, making them quite dangerous in combat.
Avança de: | Genet de llop |
Avança a: | Genet de llop salvatge |
Cost: | 32 |
HP: | 49 |
Moviment: | 9 |
XP: | 65 |
Nivell: | 2 |
Alineació: | caòtic |
ID | Goblin Knight |
Habilitats: |
![]() | ullals talla | 7 - 4 melé |
Resistències: | |
talla | 0% |
perfora | 0% |
impacta | 0% |
foc | 0% |
fred | 0% |
arcà | 0% |
Terreny | Cost del moviment | Defensa |
Aigua baixa | 3 | 20% |
Aigua profunda | - | 0% |
Bosc | 2 | 50% |
Boscatge de bolets | 3 | 40% |
Castell | 1 | 60% |
Cova | 2 | 40% |
Escull costaner | 2 | 30% |
Gelat | 2 | 20% |
Impassable | - | 0% |
Impracticable | - | 0% |
Llogaret | 1 | 50% |
Muntanyes | 2 | 60% |
Pantà | 3 | 30% |
Plana | 1 | 40% |
Sorra | 2 | 30% |
Turons | 1 | 50% |